16 Arlington St, Suite 4 Asheville, NC 28801

16 Arlington St, Suite 4 Asheville, NC 28801





We provide services to people at every stage of life including: children, teens, adults, and seniors.

At Executive Wellness we strive to meet each client where they are, regardless of the struggles they are facing. Therefore we have made every effort to offer comprehensive services to meet the needs of the community by offering an array of specialties including: 


Whether you’re in crisis or needing a little extra support in your relationship, Executive Wellness is here to support you. Relationships are tough and require a lot of work. You might be experiencing a betrayal in your relationship, communication breakdowns, frequent fighting, unhealthy patterns that seem to repeat itself, disconnection, or infidelity. Whatever it is you’re struggling with, Executive Wellness is pleased to be able to come alongside you and support your healing, reconciliation, and growth. Here are just a few issues within couples counseling that we address:

  • Communication struggles
  • Betrayal
  • Infidelity
  • Building trust
  • Unhealthy relationship patterns
  • Interracial marriage/relationship support


Every single person is unique and so are their struggles. It doesn’t matter what you are dealing with, how you’re struggling, or how you are feeling- we are here to support you. Simply put- no one should have to navigate the curveballs life throws at them alone. We deeply desire to come alongside you, walk with you, and support you regardless of what you may be going through. We are honored to be a witness to your journey of healing as you experience the fruit of your own hard work, resilience, and growth. Here are just a few issues we work with in individual counseling.

  • Relationship issues
  • Communication struggles 
  • Grief
  • Domestic/Sexual Violence
  • Divorce/Separation
  • Childhood trauma
  • PTSD
  • Autoimmune related stress
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Codependency
  • Boundary setting
  • Living with someone with a personality disorder
  • Parenting Struggles and Consultation
  • Support around fostering and adopting


Approximately 7 out of every 10 adults in the US experience a trauma in their lifetime. 8 million adults suffer from PTSD at any given time (Singlecare.com). Every 73 seconds, an American is sexually assaulted, and every 9 minutes that victim is a child (RAINN.org). 1 in 4 women and 1 in 9 men have experienced severe intimate partner violence and 1 in 5 women and 1 in 71 men have experienced rape (ncadv.org).


If you have gone through a trauma, whether recently or in the past, it can significantly impact your quality of life, marriage, family, and relationships. Surviving a trauma can change everything. Research shows that trauma impacts your neural pathways and brain functioning. One of the specialities of Executive Wellness is in working specifically with trauma. 

Our main goal is to first establish safety and trust with you. We believe in a person centered approach where you work closely with your therapist to develop a plan in addressing your trauma that you feel safe and satisfied with. It is important to us that you feel heard and empowered as a survivor. You are encouraged to be actively participating in your treatment planning and goals to accomplish a pace you feel comfortable. 

We desire to work with you to process unresolved trauma and move towards a state of wholeness and restoration through

the use of Evidence Based Practices that include but are not limited to EMDR, GIM, Somatic Experiencing, CBT, and DBT.

Here are just some of the traumas we specialize in:

  • Domestic Abuse
  • Sexual Abuse
  • Childhood trauma
  • First Responders
  • Vicarious Trauma
  • Motor Vehicle Accidents
  • Faith Based Trauma


An estimated 31.1% of American adults experienced an anxiety disorder at some point during their life. That is every 1 in 3 people suffer from anxiety. It is one of the most commons forms of mental health that people suffer from. Whether it’s generalized anxiety, social anxiety, panic attacks, seasonal affective disorder, or past trauma, anxiety seems to impact most people in some way. Over time, when anxiety is not directly dealt with, it tends to wreak havoc on the body. People suffer from chronic migraines, body aches, stomach and digestive disorders, and even auto immune diseases. 

If you struggle with anxiety in any way and you are tired of it ruling your life- reach out! We specialize in anxiety and use many different therapeutic modalities and approaches to help you take your life back. Anxiety has an interesting relationship with the body and it typically takes more than one approach to over come it. Executive Wellness uses EMDR, GIM, DBT, CBT, Somatic based techniques, and Mindful Self Compassion to address anxiety. We want to make sure you have the tools, skills, support, and confidence to be able to finally take a hold of the anxiety in your life and overcome it. 


Did you know that 17.3 million American adults and 1.9 million children suffer from major depressive disorder? If you are struggling with depression you are not alone. When you struggle with depression it often feels like you are alone, misunderstood, unseen, and in pain. It can be terrifying and feels like no one understands what you are going through. It can literally hurt to live each day.

The truth is these feelings are real and they hurt. You hurt. One of the best things you can do for yourself is reach out to someone who understands the nature of depression and can support you in your journey of healing so you are not alone. I always tell my clients struggling with depression - just make one goal for yourself each day. Be in this moment right here. Don’t think about tonight or tomorrow. Just be here now. I want to encourage you right now that if you are struggling with depression to make your one goal to reach out to us so we can help support you. That’s it. One goal. You deserve to be seen and supported. You do not have to walk this journey alone.


One of our unique specialties at Executive Wellness is to support people who have experienced what we call faith based wounds. We believe everyone deserves to feel safe in their faith based community and families, and unfortunately this is not always the case. If you have experienced shame, isolation, rejection, humiliation, or trauma in any capacity by your faith community or family, especially if you have been isolated based on sexual orientation or gender, we are here to support you. Navigating your faith during such trauma can be extremely difficult. You have the right to feel safe and confident in who you are and your faith.


This is an evidence based treatment focused on individuals who have experienced trauma. The goal of EMDR is to alleviate distress related to trauma as you process those traumatic memories. If you have experienced a trauma and want to do more than just talk therapy to process your trauma, EMDR is extremely effective. Please refer to the following link and video for more information:




Guided Imagery and Music (GIM) - a non ordinary state of consciousness 

Michelle is currently in her Level 2 training in the Bonnie Method of Guided Imagery and Music. She is committed to becoming a fellow of GIM because she has personally experienced the way this uncommon modality of counseling transforms and changes lives. 

GIM uses specific music programs with you to induce a non ordinary state of consciousness that taps into your subconscious to process various issues. 

GIM is especially useful for processing trauma and areas people feel stuck. This modality is gentle and only goes where you allow. Issues around depression, anxiety, trauma, somatic symptoms, and spirituality can be particularly useful to process using GIM.

If you are interested in learning more about GIM please reach out to Michelle to schedule a free consult. 


Executive Wellness works with children as young as 3 years old all the way through their teen years. If you have a child that is struggling, we would be happy to come alongside you and your child to help support you in whatever ways you might need. Our therapists make every effort to help ease children into the world of therapy through building a relationship based on trust. Based on the age of your child we use play therapy, art therapy, CBT, DBT, GIM, and EMDR with children that struggle in their relationships at home, school, or with their peers. Furthermore, our therapists work side by side with the parents to help support and coach them as they also try to meet the needs of their children. If your children need support or if you need help supporting and connecting with your children, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We absolutely love working with children and parents in helping them establishing more deep and meaningful connections. Some of the issues we address with children and teens include:

  • Separation anxiety
  • Trauma
  • ADHD
  • ASD
  • Fostering/adoption
  • Bullying
  • Boundary setting
  • Perfectionism
  • Depression
  • Anxiety


If you are in the middle of a custody battle or planning to go to court to determine what is in the best interest of your children, I am offering court related services to assist in this matter. I provide services by working with you, your children, judges, and attorneys to help support your children and determine what is in their best interest. Part of these services might include expert testimony, parenting evaluations, co parenting counseling, family counseling, and individual counseling. Insurance is not accepted for court related services. If you are interested in setting up a free consultation, please feel free to reach out to me at Michelle@executivewellness.health or call me at 828-222-0420.


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